A murder during the Ceremony of the Keys sends shock waves through the Tower of London. John Mackenzie, former army psychologist and latest member of her Majesty's Yeoman Warders, is unexpectedly forced into the role of undercover investigator. Superintendent Simon Whittington – unscrupulous, ambitious, magnetic, and John's nemesis from their childhood days – seems to have the case wrapped up quickly. But has he really arrested the right person? John becomes embroiled in a dangerous quest for the truth. Fortunately, he can rely on the support of the inimitable Mackenzie clan!

A real treat for me: The Palace´s answer after I had sent John Mackenzies first case to HM!

I must say that I do feel honoured....


Shivering, John Mackenzie turned up the collar of his coat and pulled his woollen hat further down over his ears. The night wind whistled icily around him on the Millennium Bridge. Glancing at his watch, he realised he had to get moving. Yet he found it impossible to tear himself away from the panorama that stretched out before him...


... He had just left the massive factory building of the Tate Modern art gallery. The mighty dome of Sir Christopher Wren’s St Paul’s Cathedral beckoned to him from the opposite bank. And finally, downstream, he could make out the illuminated silhouette of Tower Bridge... (Excerpt from "Ravens, Kinfolk and Foul Play")